Daloy Media
terms and conditions
This Privacy Policy covers how Daloy Media or any of its subsidiaries treats personal information that Daloy Media collects and receives in connection with Daloy Media and/or the games and applications offered by Daloy Media. This includes software that you have downloaded or are about to download, any software or any applications created by Daloy Media.
Any person utilizing Daloy Media.com or Daloy Media App (“User”) or for availing the online information and database retrieval services including gaming services, offered therein(“Daloy Media Services”) including participation in the various and, games being conducted on Daloy Media shall be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and all other rules, regulations and terms of use referred to herein or provided by Daloy Media in relation to any Daloy Media Services. Daloy Media shall be entitled to modify these Terms and Conditions, rules, regulations and terms of use referred to herein or provided by Daloy Media.com in relation to any Daloy Media Services, at any time, by posting the same on Daloy Media. Use of Daloy Media constitutes the User’s acceptance of such Terms and Conditions, rules, regulations and terms of use referred to herein or provided by Daloy Media in relation to any Daloy Media Services, as may be amended from time to time. Daloy Media may also notify the User of any change or modification in these Terms and Conditions, rules, regulations and terms of use referred to herein or provided by Daloy Media, by way of sending them an email on their User’s registered email address or posting notifications in the User accounts. The User may then exercise the options provided in such an email or notification to indicate non-acceptance of the modified Terms and Conditions, rules, regulations and terms of use referred to herein or provided by Daloy Media. If such options are not exercised by the User within the time frame prescribed in the email or notification, the User will be deemed to have accepted the modified Terms and Conditions, rules, regulations and terms of use referred to herein or provided by Daloy Media.

Certain Daloy Media Services being provided on Daloy Media may be subject to additional rules and regulations set down in that respect. To the extent that these Terms and Conditions are inconsistent with the additional conditions set down, the additional conditions shall prevail.

Daloy Media may, at its sole and absolute discretion:
Daloy Media may contain links to other Internet sites owned and operated by third parties. Users’ use of each of those sites is subject to the conditions, if any, posted by the sites. Daloy Media does not exercise control over any Internet sites apart from Daloy Media and cannot be held responsible for any content residing in any third-party Internet site. Daloy Media inclusion of third-party content or links to third-party Internet sites is not an endorsement by Daloy Media of such third-party Internet site. Users’ correspondence, transactions or related activities with third parties, including payment providers and verification service providers, are solely between the User and that third party. Users' correspondence, transactions and usage of the services of such third party shall be subject to the terms and conditions, policies and other service terms adopted/implemented by such third party, and the User shall be solely responsible for reviewing the before to transacting or availing of the services of such third party. User agrees that Daloy Media will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of any such transactions with third parties. Any questions, complaints, or claims related to any third-party product or service should be directed to the appropriate vendor.
All information collected from Users, such as registration and all payment information, is subject to Daloy Media's Privacy Policy which is available at Privacy Policy
Users agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions and all other rules, regulations and terms of use of the Website. In the event User does not abide by these Terms and Conditions and all other rules, regulations and terms of use, Daloy Media may, at its sole and absolute discretion, take necessary remedial action, including but not limited to:
If a User chooses a username that, in Daloy Media’s considered opinion is obscene, indecent, abusive or that might subject Daloy Media to public disparagement or scorn, Daloy Media reserves the right, without prior notice to the User, to change such username and intimate the User or delete such username and posts from Daloy Media, deny such User access to Daloy Media, or any combination of these options. Unauthorized access to Daloy Media is a breach of these Terms and Conditions, and a violation of the law. Users agree not to access Daloy Media by any means other than through the interface that is provided by Daloy Media for use in accessing Daloy Media. Users agree not to use any automated means, including, without limitation, agents, robots, scripts, or spiders, to access, monitor, or copy any part of our sites, except those automated means that we have approved in advance and in writing. Use of Daloy Media is subject to existing laws and legal processes. Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions shall limit Daloy Media’s right to comply with governmental, court, and law-enforcement requests or requirements relating to Users’ use of Daloy Media. Users may contact daloymedia@gmail.com with problems or questions, as appropriate. Entry to Daloy Media without consent from parent/s or legal guardian and consequent participation in any activity on Daloy Media Website is not permitted and such person is subject to disqualification at the sole and absolute discretion of Daloy Media, whenever it comes to the knowledge of Daloy Media. Daloy Media believes that parents should supervise their children's online activities and consider using parental control tools available from online services and software manufacturers that help provide a child-friendly online environment. These tools can also prevent children from disclosing online their name, address and other personal information without parental permission. Daloy Media may not be held responsible for any content contributed by Users on the Daloy Media.
In order to register for the Participants are required to accurately provide the following information:
Participants are also required to confirm that they have read, and shall abide by, these Terms and Conditions Once the Participants have entered the above information, and clicked on the “register” tab, and such Participants are above the age of 18 years, they are sent an email confirming their registration and containing their login information.
By registering to the Daloy Media.com from website or apuses shall bind to all our given terms for usage of the services provided by Daloy Media. Services such as verification of the user, forget password via OTP verification, Mobile verification via OTP, etc. Here when a DND service is active from users’ side still user will receive SMS from Daloy Media. Hence it is with full consent of the users that he is fine with the received SMS (messages) even if the DND mode is on.
Games are available for all age groups however certain modules like dating are available only 18+ post validation.
If it comes to the notice of Daloy Media that any governmental, statutory or regulatory compliances or approvals
The courts of competent jurisdiction at Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any disputes arising out of, or in connection with, the Daloy Media Services provided by Daloy Media, the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Terms and Conditions, or the rights and obligations of the User(s) (including Participants) or Daloy Media, as well as the exclusive jurisdiction to grant interim or preliminary relief in case of any dispute referred to arbitration as given below. All such issues and questions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India.
In the event of any legal dispute (which may be a legal issue or question) which may arise, the party raising the dispute shall provide a written notification (“Notification”) to the other party. On receipt of Notification, the parties shall first try to resolve the dispute through discussions. In the event that the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within thirty (30) days of receipt of Notification, the dispute shall be settled by arbitration. The place of arbitration shall be Mumbai, India. All arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, as amended from time to time.
The arbitration award will be final and binding on the Parties, and each Party will bear its costs of arbitration and equally share the fees of the arbitrator unless the arbitrary tribunal decides otherwise. The arbitrator shall be entitled to pass interim orders and awards, including the orders for specific performance and such orders would be enforceable in competent courts. The arbitrator shall give a reasoned award.
Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions shall prevent Daloy Media from seeking and obtaining interim or permanent equitable or injunctive relief, or any other relief available to safeguard Daloy Media’s interest prior to, during or following the filing of arbitration proceedings or pending the execution of a decision or award in connection with any arbitration proceedings from any court having jurisdiction to grant the same. The pursuit of equitable or injunctive relief shall not constitute a waiver on the part of Daloy Media to pursue any remedy for monetary damages through the arbitration described herein.
Users shall access the Daloy Media Services provided on the Daloy Media voluntarily and at their own risk. Daloy Media shall, under no circumstances be held responsible or liable on account of any loss or damage sustained (including but not limited to any accident, injury, death, loss of property) by Users or any other person or entity during access to the Daloy Media Services.
By entering the Daloy Media and accessing the Daloy Media Services provided therein, Users hereby release from and agree to indemnify Daloy Media and/ or any of its directors, employees, partners, associates and licensor's, from and against all liability, cost, loss or expense arising out their access to the Daloy Media Services including (but not limited to) personal injury and damage to property and whether direct, indirect, consequential, foreseeable, due to some negligent act or omission on their part, or otherwise. Daloy Media accepts no liability, whether jointly or severally, for any errors or omissions, whether on behalf of itself or third parties in relation to the prizes.
Users shall be solely responsible for any consequences which may arise due to their access of Daloy Media Services by conducting an illegal act or due to non-conformity with these Terms and Conditions and other rules and regulations in relation to Daloy Media Services, including provision of incorrect address or other personal details. Users also undertake to indemnify Daloy Media and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents on the happening of such an event (including without limitation cost of attorney, legal charges etc.) on full indemnity basis for any loss/damage suffered by Daloy Media on account of such act on the part of the Users.
In consideration of Daloy Media allowing Users to access the Daloy Media Services hosted on the Daloy Media, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the Users waive and release every right or claim, all actions, causes of actions (present or future) each of them has or may have against Daloy Media, its respective agents, directors, officers, business associates, group companies, sponsors, employees, or representatives for all and any injuries, accidents, or mishaps (whether known or unknown) or (whether anticipated or unanticipated) arising out of the provision of Daloy Media Services
To the extent permitted under law, neither Daloy Media nor its directors, officers, professional advisors, employees shall be responsible for the deletion, the failure to store, the mis-delivery, or the untimely delivery of any information or material.
To the extent permitted under law, Daloy Media shall not be responsible for any harm resulting from downloading or accessing any information or material, the quality of servers, games, products, Daloy Media Services or sites, cancellation of competition and prizes. Daloy Media disclaims any responsibility for, and if a User pays for access to one of Daloy Media Services the User will not be entitled to a refund as a result of, any inaccessibility that is caused by Daloy Media’s maintenance on the servers or the technology that underlies our sites, failures of Daloy Media Services providers (including telecommunications, hosting, and power providers), computer viruses, natural disasters or other destruction or damage of our facilities, acts of nature, war, civil disturbance, or any other cause beyond our reasonable control. In addition, Daloy Media does not provide any warranty as to the content on the Daloy Media(s). Daloy Media(s) content is distributed on an “as is, as available” basis.
Any material accessed, downloaded or otherwise obtained through Daloy Media is done at the User’s discretion, competence, acceptance and risk, and the User will be solely responsible for any potential damage to User’s computer system or loss of data that results from a user’s download of any such material.
Daloy Media shall make best endeavors to ensure that the Daloy Media(s) is error-free and secure, however, neither Daloy Media nor any of its partners, licensors or associates makes any warranty that:
Daloy Media may be required under certain legislations, to notify User(s) of certain events. User(s) hereby acknowledge and consent that such notices will be effective upon Daloy Media posting them on the Daloy Media or delivering them to the User through the email address provided by the User at the time of registration. User(s) may update their email address by logging into their account on the Daloy Media. If they do not provide Daloy Media with accurate information, Daloy Media cannot be held liable for failure to notify the User.
Daloy Media’s failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Users agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Daloy Media or these Terms must be filed within thirty (30) days of such claim or cause of action arising or be forever barred.
These Terms and Conditions, including all terms, conditions, and policies that are incorporated herein by reference, constitute the entire agreement between the User(s) and Daloy Media Private Limited and govern your use of the Daloy Media, superseding any prior agreements that any User may have with Daloy Media Private Limited.
If any part of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be indefinite, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable, the rest of these Terms and Conditions shall continue in full force. Daloy Media reserves the right to moderate, restrict or ban the use of the Daloy Media, specifically to any User, or generally, in accordance with Daloy Media’s policy/policies from time to time, at its sole and absolute discretion and without any notice.
These terms and conditions apply to every competition initiated and promoted by "Daloy Media" or its authorized agents, unless stated otherwise in the promotional material of a specific competition ("Competition Specific Marketing").
Each person who enters a Daloy Media Competition ("Entrant" or "You") agrees to be bound by the standard terms and conditions as set out below, in addition to any terms and conditions set out in the Competition Specific Marketing.
By entering into a Daloy Media Competition, you acknowledge that You have read, understood, and agree to the following terms and conditions:
    • Entrants agree that certain information and associated terms and conditions ("Competition Specific Ts & Cs") regarding a Daloy Media Competition appear in the Competition Specific Marketing but that the general terms and conditions set out in this document will also apply to the Daloy Media Competition. The relevant information which will appear in Competition Specific Marketing includes but is not limited to
      1. the duration of the Competition including the start date ("Competition Commencement Date"), the deadline for entry and the dates on which the Winner (as defined below) will be chosen and announced.
      2. specific entry criteria, either in addition to or in substitution of the general entry criteria.
      3. the prize which Entrants stand a chance to win by entering the specific Daloy Media Competition ("Prize").
      4. the manner in which a Prize may be redeemed by the Entrant or Entrants (as the case may be) who win(s) the Prize ("Winner").
      5. the way the random draw to determine the Winner will be conducted ("Draw") and the date of such Draw and the announcement of the Winner; and to the extent that there is any conflict between the Competition Specific Ts & Cs and the general terms and conditions, the Competition Specific Ts & Cs will prevail.
        • Entering a Daloy Media Competition does not guarantee, imply, or suggest that You will be the Winner or that you will receive the Prize or any other compensation for your entry.
        • To enter a Daloy Media Competition, you must be –
          1. A natural person, 18 (eighteen) years or older, as at the Competition Commencement Date; and
          2. A citizen of India and/or a legal resident of India and residing in India at the Competition Commencement Date.
        • Daloy Media, its directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, any other related person or any supplier of goods and services in connection with the Daloy Media Competition and their spouses, life partners, parents, children, siblings, business partners or associates are prohibited from entering into a Daloy Media Competition.
        • Each Entrant is responsible for ensuring that any information provided in the Entrant's entry into a Daloy Media Competition is true, accurate and correct at the time of entry.
        • Daloy Media accepts no responsibility for entries with incorrect information, or lost, misdirected, illegible, late, or damaged entries. Entries that do not comply with the Competition Specific Ts & Cs or any specific requirements set out in the Competition Specific Ts & Cs will be disqualified, subject to clause 1.7 below.
        • Errors and/or omissions may be accepted at Daloy Media's discretion. The failure by Daloy Media to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
    • Upon submission and upload of a photograph image or video on Daloy Media owned accounts (including without limitation the Daloy Media Members and Daloy Media social media accounts), the participant assigns and transfers all rights, title and interest in the photograph or video to Daloy Media.
    • The participant agrees that any and all intellectual property rights arising out of the creation of the photograph or video will become the property of Daloy Media, without exception, and the participant unconditionally and irrevocably assigns all such intellectual property rights to Daloy Media in exchange for his/ her participation in the Competition.
    • The participant grants to Daloy Media the right to use the photograph or video uploaded which includes, but is not limited to, reposting, publishing, editing, and distributing the photograph or video across any media platforms (including without limitation social media platforms).
    • The Participant agrees that Daloy Media shall not be responsible for or be held liable for any privacy breach, any photograph or video that may be duplicated or unlawfully used by persons unauthorized by Daloy Media or any losses suffered as a result thereof.
  3. Leaderboard Event Rules
    • Ranking is based on total winnings.
    • Event will start at 14-Feb-2023 00:00 and will end at 13-Mar-2023 23:59:59.
    • If you play the same opponent
    • A Prize won in a Daloy Media Competition –
      1. is not transferable from the Winner to any other person.
      2. cannot be substituted or redeemed for cash.
      3. may differ in colour and specifications from the advertised Prize in the Competition Specific Marketing.
      4. may be changed to a prize of similar economic value by Daloy Media in its sole discretion if it deems it necessary; and
      5. is subject to stock availability and where no stock of the Prize is available, Daloy Media may in its sole discretion determine a suitable replacement prize.
    • The Winner shall be liable for any and all tax implications and liabilities (TDS) arising out of winning and receiving the Prize.
    • Daloy Media reserves the right to withhold the Prize until Daloy Media is entirely satisfied that the claimant of the Prize is the bona fide Winner, and to call for any such proof as Daloy Media may deem necessary.
    • Only those Winners who successfully complete the verification process and provide the required documents within the time limit specified by Daloy Media shall be permitted to withdraw/receive their accumulated Earned (or any part thereof). Daloy Media shall not entertain any claims or requests for extension of time for submission of documents.
    • In the event that the Prize awarded is a voucher (“Voucher”), the Voucher can only be redeemed or used as stipulated by the participating retail or online stores/ partners from whom the Voucher has been issued.
    • Vouchers are subject to the terms and conditions as provided by the participating retail or online stores/ partners from whom the Voucher has been issued (“Voucher Terms and Conditions”).
    • Winners must refer to the Voucher Terms and Conditions that will be provided together with the Voucher and on the Competition Specific Marketing, which terms and conditions will provide for the validity period of the Voucher.
    • The Voucher cannot be exchanged for cash or credit.
    • No cash balance will be given as change.
    • The Voucher value will remain until the balance is either depleted or the expiry date is reached, whichever occurs first.
    • Vouchers cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. Vouchers are for the exclusive use of the Winner.
    • The Winner may not attempt to transfer or permit any other person to use the Vouchers.  
    • Vouchers do not accrue interest.
    • The Vouchers are not transferable. No substitution, cash redemption, or assignment of the Voucher is permitted.
    • Daloy Media will not be responsible for any costs associated with the redemption process of the Vouchers.
    • The Draw will be supervised by an independent auditor or a registered accountant, or an attorney or an advocate.
    • The result of the Draw is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
    • If for any unforeseen reason, the Draw cannot take place on the date specified in the Competition Specific Marketing, Daloy Media will endeavour to conduct the Draw within a reasonable period thereafter and shall provide details of the new date for the Draw on the Daloy Media website.
    • The Entrant consents to any necessary processing of their personal information (including without limitation their name, address, telephone number and images or photographs) voluntarily provided by the Entrant for the specific purpose of entering the Daloy Media Competition.
    • In accordance with the confidentiality policies and practices of Daloy Media, none of the entry details of any Entrant will be disclosed or used by Daloy Media for any purposes other than for entry into the Competition and in accordance with clause 6.3 below.
    • The Entrant acknowledges and consents to Daloy Media utilizing a third party (“Daloy Media's Authorized Agent(s)”) and providing the Entrant's information to Daloy Media's Authorized Agent(s) to contact the Entrant in relation to the Daloy Media Competition.
    • By participating in the Daloy Media Competition, the Entrant agrees and consents that Daloy Media, and its affiliates may contact the Entrant via email and through social media platforms to deliver marketing communications regarding Daloy Media's products and promotional activities, provided that the Entrant is given the opportunity to opt-out of receiving marketing communication at any time via the appropriate opt-out mechanisms provided by Daloy Media for such purpose. Daloy Media may also use the personal information collected from the Entrants as described in the Privacy Policy accessible on the Daloy Media website and that such use may include the transfer of such personal information to Daloy Media's Authorized Agents and affiliates in any country. Details of Entrants will not be used by Daloy Media for Daloy Media related communications should the Entrant opt-out at any time from receiving further communication from Daloy Media.
    • To the extent permitted by the consumer protection act, no.  68 of 2008 ("consumer protection act") and any other applicable law:
      1. The entrant and/or winner(s) hereby indemnifies Daloy Media, its respective agents, affiliates, assigns, directors,  officers, subsidiaries, holding companies, service  providers, suppliers, employees or representatives against any direct, indirect, special, incidental,  consequential or punitive damages or loss of any kind  regardless of how it was caused, and whether it arose  under the law of contract or delict or otherwise, arising  out of the entrant's entry into the Daloy Media competition,  including without limitation as a result of technical  failures affecting the participation and prize, incorrect  winner announcements, error, mistakes, omission,  interruption, defects, deletion, delay in operation or  transmission, viruses, communication line or telephone,  mobile or satellite network failure, technical problems  or traffic congestion on the internet or website,  software failure whether resulting or not from any  force majeure or from theft, destruction or  unauthorized access to our systems;
      2. Save as clearly set out in the competition specific marketing, the entrant acknowledges that no warranties (express or implied) or representations have been made by Daloy Media in relation to a Daloy Media competition and no liability shall arise against Daloy Media as a result of any alleged breach of warranty or misrepresentation.
    • The sub-paragraphs above have important legal consequences for you. It limits Daloy Media’s risk and liability, and you undertake to hold Daloy Media harmless in the event that you have any claim against Daloy Media. If for any reason Daloy Media makes a mistake, there is a technical error, or any circumstances listed above arise, you will not be able to pursue any action or claim against Daloy Media for any loss or damage suffered. You also indemnify us for any claims which may be made by third parties.
    • Daloy Media accepts no responsibility or for late or delayed delivery of the Prize from any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to, stock being unavailable, strike, lock out, destruction of the Prize, any civil commotion or disorder, riot, threat of war, any action taken by governmental authority or public authority of any kind, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, or other acts of God.
    • Daloy Media does not accept any responsibility for late/non arrivals and/or any damage to the Prize that may arise during its delivery to the Winner.
    • Delivery of the Prize will take place in accordance with Covid-19 regulatory requirements (if any) and on receipt of the Winners valid and correct delivery details supplied by the Winner.
    • Delivery of the Prize may occur by way of courier and Daloy Media does not accept any responsibility for late/non arrivals and/or any damage to the Prize that may arise during its delivery to the Winner.
    • In the event that the Winner is unreachable or fails to claim delivery of the Prize after 2 (two) attempts to deliver over a period of 10 (ten) working days it shall be forfeited.
    • The Winner must at the time of delivery present a valid identity document if they are a natural person.
    • Deliveries will only be made within India.
    • Deliveries will occur from Monday to Friday during regular office hours (08h00 to 17h00) and no deliveries will be made on public holidays or over the weekends.
    • Delivery of the Prize may be delayed due to Indian Government regulations imposed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
    • The Winners shall bear the shipping, courier, or any other delivery cost in respect of the prizes.
    • The Winners shall bear all transaction charges levied for delivery of cash prizes.
    • By entering into a Daloy Media Competition, you confirm that you are aware of, have read and accept the general terms and conditions applicable to use of the Daloy Media website.
    • A Competition shall be governed by these terms and conditions and any Competition Specific Ts and Cs, to the extent that there is any conflict between the Competition Specific Ts and Cs, these terms and conditions and the standard terms and conditions of any social media platform or partners of Daloy Media, the order of precedence will be the following:
      1. Competition Specific Ts and Cs
      2. these terms and conditions
      3. the standard terms and conditions of any social media platform or partners of Daloy Media.
    • Daloy Media reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and information provided by an Entrant (including but not limited to an Entrant's identity, age, and place of residence) and to disqualify any Entrant who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions and/or the Competition Specific Ts and Cs, or who tampers with the entry process.
    • The Winner(s) will be contacted by way of a direct message on the social media platform or called on the mobile number or email address supplied by the Winner in the Winner's entry into the Daloy Media Competition. Daloy Media shall attempt to contact the Winner(s) for a period of 10 (ten) working days after his or her name is drawn as a Winner, after which the Winner will forfeit the Prize as set out in below point.
    • In the event that the Winner is unreachable as set out in above point, the  Winner's details as provided are ineligible, or fails to claim or accept delivery of the  Prize, the Prize shall be forfeited to another Winner in terms of these terms and  conditions and/or the Competition Specific Ts and Cs. Daloy Media shall, in its own  discretion, determine the time period for a Prize to be claimed or for delivery thereof  to be accepted.
    • Daloy Media may, in its sole discretion, amend these terms and conditions and/or the Competition Specific Ts and Cs, at any time, without notice, and such amendments shall be deemed to have taken effect from the date of publication of the revised terms and conditions on the Daloy Media website. The Entrant is responsible for ensuring that the Entrant is familiar with any updates to the terms and conditions.
    • If this Competition is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of Daloy Media, including but not limited to technical difficulties, unauthorized intervention, or fraud, Daloy Media reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law to –
      1. disqualify any Entrant; or
      2. modify, suspend, terminate, or cancel the Daloy Media Competition as appropriate, subject to the approval of relevant regulatory authorities (if required).
    • Save as prohibited by Law, Daloy Media reserves the right to cancel, suspend or terminate this Daloy Media Competition, without notice at any time, and such cancellation, suspension or termination shall be deemed to have taken effect from the date of publication of such cancellation, suspension, or termination on Daloy Media website. Daloy Media shall have no liability whatsoever arising out of or in connection with such cancellation, suspension, or termination. IN THIS REGARD, TO THE EXTENT PERMISSIBLE IN LAW, THE ENTRANT WAIVES ANY RIGHT WHICH THEY MAY HAVE AGAINST DALOY MEDIA AND HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THEY WILL HAVE NO RIGHT OF RECOURSE OR CLAIM OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER AGAINST DALOY MEDIA ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE DALOY MEDIA COMPETITION AND/OR THE CANCELLATION, SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION THEREOF.
    • Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the Competition shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India.
    • Any disputes arising from the tournament will be resolved by the Daloy Media in a manner deemed fair and appropriate by the tournament organizer. Daloy Media's decision will be final and binding.
    • Daloy Media will not be responsible for any costs or data charges (network rates will apply) that are incurred by a participant to participate in the Competition.
    • To the extent that these terms and conditions, the Competition Specific Ts and Cs  or any goods or services provided hereunder are governed by the Consumer  Protection Act, no provision of these terms and conditions and the Competition  Specific Ts and Cs is intended to contravene the applicable provisions of the  Consumer Protection Act, and all provisions of the terms and conditions must be  treated as being qualified, to the extent necessary, to ensure compliance with the  applicable provisions of the Consumer Protection Act.
    • All provisions of these terms and conditions and/or the Competition Specific Ts and Cs are, notwithstanding the manner in which they have been grouped together or linked grammatically, severable from each other. Any provision which is or becomes unenforceable, whether due to voidness, invalidity, illegality, unlawfulness or for any other reason whatever, shall, only to the extent that it is so unenforceable, be treated as though they had not been written in these terms and conditions and the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions and/or the Competition Specific Ts and Cs (as applicable) shall remain of full force and effect. Daloy Media records that it is Daloy Media's intention that these terms and conditions and/or the Competition Specific Ts and Cs (as applicable) would be executed without such unenforceable provision if Daloy Media was aware of such unenforceability at the time these terms and conditions and/or the Competition Specific Ts and Cs (as applicable) were published.

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